Monday, September 26, 2022

I came across this line…

in a novel I was reading, and was struck by the truth in it…

‘There will always be trying times. During trying times it is essential that we live while we move through them.’

We are not to let trying times get the better of us. Rather, we need to do something uplifting, maybe sip a glass of wine and sit out the initial impulses of acting on it immediately….bring in a pause…

The best part is that when we pause with a glass of wine (or whatever kind of pause works for us), we would be allowing our minds to work out the solutions peacefully and steadily. This is LIVING. If we don’t pause, then in all likelihood we will be frantically rushing around trying to solve the issue, and making mistakes in the process. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


turn dress designers thanks to an NGO Tanuz Vocational Training Society. A group of women, who used to be ragpickers are designing and stitching clothes, and their children are modelling for them. 

Introducing Khudey: the little one.

These enterprising women believe that children of financially-deprived families do not need to be excluded from life. So while one group in Tangra does the embroidery and printing, another group in Barasaat does the stitching, and they are showing the world that all children are but children. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Veere di Wedding…

Good to see we, as a people, are shedding our masks of hypocrisy and self-righteousness and bringing a whole lot of till-now-wrapped up topics out in the open. LGBTQs, single mothers, single fathers, surrogacy, sex, women as human beings, are issues being talked about and exposed in ways that can be understood by the zillion strata of our society without any kind of ill-feeling or discrimination. 

Veere di Wedding is a case in point, among others…